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mouse river enhanced flood protection project

The Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project was in direct response to the 2011 flood that occurred in the Mouse River Basin in North Dakota. This historic flood caused unprecedented damage throughout the basin. As a result, there was a need to develop a flood protection project for the entire basin in North Dakota. Ackerman-Estvold was a part of the team that developed the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Plan – Preliminary Engineering Report.


The engineering team was tasked by the North Dakota State Water Commission with this project in August 2011 and immediately went to work by meeting with stakeholders to determine their needs, wants, and priorities. This was based on protecting the most people and infrastructure, acquiring the fewest residential properties, and keeping critical transportation corridors open. An Initial Concept Alignment was released on November 3, 2011. This release included a technical memo and associated maps. The primary features included 21.6 miles of earthen levee, 2.8 miles of floodwall, 30 transportation closure structures, and 33 stormwater pump stations. Determining an Initial Concept Alignment for a project of this scale in that short of time required close coordination with stakeholders, a well-organized engineering team, and a commitment to getting the job done on schedule.


Several public meetings were held regarding the Initial Concept Alignment. Based on the comments received, the design was further refined, and in some cases. significantly modified. The complete Preliminary Engineering Report was released on February 29, 2012. This report included hydrology and hydraulics for both the Mouse River and the protected interior drainage areas, levee and floodwall alignments, closure structures, pump stations, transportation features, utility impacts, geotechnical analysis, environmental impacts, and an opinion of probable cost of $820 million. This document has since been the guiding tool used for the phased implementation of flood protection in the Mouse River Basin that is estimated will cost $1billion in 2020 dollars.


Since the beginning, Ackerman-Estvold has been involved in a number of the projects that are currently in the design or construction phases including:


City of Minot

MI-2 Napa Valley Levee – Design/Construction/Public Information

MI-3 Forest Road Levee – Design/Construction/Public Information

MI-4 Maple Diversion – Design/Public Information

MI-6 Roosevelt Park Zoo – Design/Public Information


City of Burlington

BU-1A Colton Avenue Bridge Replacement – Design/Construction/Public Information

BU-1 Burlington Levee – Design/Construction/Public Information


Rural Areas/Additional Projects

WC-1 Tierrecita Vallejo Levee – Design/Construction/Public Information

StARR Rural Acquisition Program – Program Administration

Rural Reaches Strategies – Design/Construction/Public Information

Outlaw Creek – Design/Construction/Public Information

River Management Plan Updates - Participation

FEMA Flood Insurance Map Reviews – Administration

SA-1 Sawyer Bridge Replacement – Public Information

VE-1 Velva Bridge Replacement – Public Information

RC-1 Mouse River Park Bridge Replacement – Public Information


As a part of our role in the projects our communications team developed and provides ongoing communications support in the following areas including Mouse River Plan brand development, website, social media management, Progress newsletter development, media and public communication, project related event oversight, and Souris River Joint Board communications. Please visit the website at for more information.

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